
Showing posts from January, 2018

A Girl's Perspective!!

I am writing just my mind out. All the perspectives I have so far regarding love, marriage and falling in love. I don't think so that falling in love is an easy task. You put so much energy into it. Whether it be your emotions, your time, your effort , even your money. Falling in love with the right person is the most important part of falling in love. I at this stage of life Do not think that it is a good approach to find yourself a man and fall in love with him. Because it takes a lot from you. Love Marriage or Arranged?? Well its just about meeting the right person. What if the meeting is organized by your parents. If you see a potential relationship with the person you met than why not an arranged marriage what is wrong with it. It is not always necessary to fall in  love. Sometimes you don't, sometimes you do but if things do not go the way they were supposed to be. What to do then??. Do not give upon your relationships easily. Try to latch upon until you are forbidde

Things Girls are Tired of Hearing!!

Well these are some of the stuff I am extremely tired of hearing. You may have some other story. So all the girls out there feel free to share your stories. Pink is your favorite color right?? Wrong! pink is not my favorite color. Yes sometimes I like pink and yes layout of my webpage is also pink because I could not find anything better. It does not mean it is my favorite color. I like to wear pink shoes sometimes but that does not mean that every time on my birthday you are going to bring me a nice shitty piece and tell me that see pink is your favorite color. No it is not. My favorite color is "PURPLE". Don't be so sensitive: I would like to say don't be such a jerk. My life my rules if i want to be sensitive I will. Why the hell you suppose to have a problem with that. Yes i go like AWWW!! after seeing babies and as a matter of fact even kittens. But does it have anything to do with others. No it does not. So yes my emotions are mine. I will be as sensitiv

Why did She Got out of her Home??

Today I came across a tweet while scrolling down the twitter obviously. Now before writing this I want to tell you all that I belong from a country where women are subjected to be the reason of every problem you might see in a society. Now by seeing this tweet and reading the comments below. I have taken a decision that I would teach my son the same code of ethics that all the girls in my country are used to of learning. Now coming towards what the tweet was. The tweet was of an anonymous girl who was writing the tweet just to i guess take out her aggression at a very minimal scale because I think that could be the only platform for her to debate. She actually tweeted the story of her being harassed by some of the boys. When she was out with her family. She also mentioned that when her brother tried to stop them. They also misbehaved with her brother and even with her family. I was devastated not only by reading that tweet but by reading those comments which some of our responsible ci

Why Fit in , When You are born to Stand out

You are born to stand out: You need to understand that you would never be able to know everything about people, similarly people will also never be able to understand who you actually are. There are always going to be judgmental views about you. You just need to relate to yourself. Just always remember who you are. Never try to change yourself in order to please someone else. This is going to ruin your personality in simpler words this is going to make you a hypocrite. Whether you are going to some other country or you are some where that does not belong to you. Do not think that you need to fit in. No you do not need to fit in. Let the others adapt with you. Be true about who you are and I assure you that people will acknowledge that fact about you. You would never be able to stand out among so many if you will choose to be like someone who already exists. A person who really stand out among others is the one who seems to be a bit different. So, Why fit in??. When you are born to s

The Subtle Art of not giving a shit

Stay Positive: In this highly organized world we are always told to be positive. No matter whatever happens. We are always told by our parents, our friends that lets just be positive. To me be positive is just a blood group yeah! you got me right remember B+. Now by saying all this i do not mean to demoralize you about your positivism but yes sometimes we need to be honest with ourselves. Sometimes it is necessary to see what a situation actually is. I mean what if you are stuck in some sort of robbery , would you be positive at that time? No you should not be always positive. Look into the scenarios as they actually are stop doing assumptions. Stop playing positive brain games. One day i came across an incident , a boy was taken under arrest due to some sort of call he had made to some ill legal organizations. Later after investigation it was found out that. A wandering man asked for his phone because he acted a poor little fellow who had lost his phone. By using his phone he c

Habits of Most Effective People

What do you think life just happens to you??. No it does not. It has been designed very carefully for you. Although you are responsible for the choices you make.But things flow in an order that was already written. You choose to be happy or to be sad. You choose to be in love or not to be in love. You choose to be successful or to be a failure. In making these choices you , your habits and your attitude towards life plays the most important role. Today i will be telling you different habits of the people i found most effective. May be some of you won't agree with me. If you don't agree with me kindly share your thoughts below in the comments. Your opinions are highly appreciable. Enthusiasm: Being enthusiastic is the most observed habit among the people i found the most effective. Pro activeness is a quality which ensures that a person is completely responsible for whatever he or she does. It is very easy to blame others about everything that has ever happened to you. You

Mom just let it be!!!

Mom was best when I was Young: Moms are the finest creations of Allah. A mother is a blessing indeed. I have the most supportive mother in this whole world. I remember when i used to be a small , fragile girl i was so much inspired by my mother. I used to love the way she dressed, the way she used to carry herself. I just loved everything about her. My whole day used to spend around my mother. Coming home and not seeing her in home was the worst nightmare for me. Her arms used to be the safest and warmest place. Everything she brought for me , every shopping she did for me was so much appreciated by me. After that teenage happened to me. Mom just let it be: I just do not understand that why does this happen that a mother who invests so much in us is left with nothing but just a lot of loneliness given to her by her children. When I grew up into a certain age which I would say yes it was my teen age. I started to keep an opinion about everything  and mostly that opinion was alway

Is There a Problem???

Do You Have a Problem in Your Life?? Life comprises of so many different events some can be in your favor but most of the time they are not. This is the time when we think Oh there is a problem. The point of making this conversation today is that when you find out that alright there is a problem. What do you actually do about it. Different people have different attitudes towards same problems. My point of writing this is that what you can actually do about a problem, can you fix it?? if yes than why making a buzz out of it. If you can not fix what would making a buzz will do for you. You would not get any benefit from stressing out. Stress makes you take the worst decision one could ever take in his or her life. Love Problems?? One of this century's biggest problem "Love". Have your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated upon you??.Some would relate to this problem some would have different relationships problem. Take a moment and think is this relationship worthy eno

The Nurturer

Fortunately I was born in a family where my parents did not distinguish between a boy or a girl. But this is not the case with every family where i belong from. Most of the girls are killed in wombs of their mothers in every other district of my country. When I was quite young a question always used to cross my mind that "Why is so that when a women gets pregnant she can not decide what she wants and why she does not know whether its a boy or a girl in her womb?". To me it was very unjust to see a mother carrying a baby for nine months and yet had no clue about her baby being a boy or girl. Now at this stage in my life I got all my answers Allah Almighty does not allow her to choose because He knows how to create a balance in this world and He does not reveal the gender to keep the baby secured because He Almighty knew already that what would happen if the gender would be revealed. Now thanks to the technology gender reveals are done leading to the deaths of I do not know how

Imperfection is Perfection

What Does Perfection Mean? I am an ordinary girl with a lot of imperfections. I belong to a world where girls are taught to be perfect because they have to get married and they should be perfect as a wife as daughter in law and all the other relationships she is going to get from her husband's side. To me I think perfection is nothing but a lame term which has made us inhumane as a society. We as a society want everyone else to be perfect and if that does not happen we start being judgmental for the people who does not fit in our glass of perfection. To me I believe that real girls are not perfect and the girls who are perfect are not real. Perfection means to be the best version of yourself. You are the only competent for yourself. The only thing that really matters is to be happy about yourself if you are happy and satisfied by the way you are you are the most perfect girl in the world. I was always taught to be a typical innocent shy girl and to never break the glass ceili