Things Girls are Tired of Hearing!!

Well these are some of the stuff I am extremely tired of hearing. You may have some other story. So all the girls out there feel free to share your stories.

Pink is your favorite color right??

Wrong! pink is not my favorite color. Yes sometimes I like pink and yes layout of my webpage is also pink because I could not find anything better. It does not mean it is my favorite color. I like to wear pink shoes sometimes but that does not mean that every time on my birthday you are going to bring me a nice shitty piece and tell me that see pink is your favorite color. No it is not. My favorite color is "PURPLE".

Don't be so sensitive:

I would like to say don't be such a jerk. My life my rules if i want to be sensitive I will. Why the hell you suppose to have a problem with that. Yes i go like AWWW!! after seeing babies and as a matter of fact even kittens. But does it have anything to do with others. No it does not. So yes my emotions are mine. I will be as sensitive as i want myself to be.


Stop. Right there. My name is not sweetie or candy or marsh mallow. I am a girl not a candy store. I have a very nice name. I think people should call others by the name their parents have given them. Sweetie seriously is too old fashioned come up with something new.

 Don't you think you need to go on a diet??

No i seriously don't think so. I am standing on the ground not on your head. You should not feel heavy about it. If I am eating a salad it does not mean that I am on a diet. If I am having an ice cream late in night it does not mean that I broke up. I may be probably craved for that ice cream. If I am eating burger it does not mean that I always eat junk. So take a chill pill. I am not a model nobody pays me for being in so much shape. I will eat as much as I want to. 

You sure you can carry that??

Seriously?? Yes I can. I am a twenty two year old adult. I weigh fifty two kg. Surely I can lift a two kg paper pile. Surely I can. I will not fall down by picking up those paper piles. If I could not be able to carry that I would probably ask you for help. So do not come up with such a dumb question like can you carry it. Can you open the jar. Yes I can certainly.

Oh! you are sports fan??

Well umm not only boys were born to be a sports fan. There are other sports also rather than cricket. So yes if I don't have interest in cricket it does not mean that I don't see other sports. Stop taking my quiz every time I tell you that yes I am a sports fan. Stop making me feel like an alien. 

Got new jewelry?? Someone special gifted??

Kindly just kindly stop smirking your eyes at me while saying this. That filthy expression on your face is the most annoying thing in this whole planet. Why can't I buy my own jewelry is it necessary to hire a boyfriend first than only you have a license to get jewelry. I mean come on people If I go out to a place and I like something for example I liked that ring. I am going to buy that. I will not wait for a boyfriend to come and buy me that ring. Because till the time i will find a guy to be my boyfriend that ring would be sold so i would never take that risk.

You should get married now.You don't have much time left to have children:  

Ok!! so I told you before that I am twenty two. According to my most favorite aunties. I do not have much time to have children. A one minute silence for all of them please. I would say rest in peace please. I will get married when I am supposed to be and surely i will have children that I am assuring you. So go back to your home and sleep. So that your mouth that is running just for nothing could take some rest.  

You are being too picky. you will die alone:

Well well. That is something I am tired of hearing. You are too picky , you got to settle for less, life means compromise. You know what I am done with this useless conversation. I am going to die alone. That is nobody else's problem. I would never pick a wrong person just because than i will die alone. For sure I will not. I will wait for the right person and the right time. Just because valentines day feels so lonely do not settle for less.

Is this some sort of feminist thing??

Last but not the least. This one argument leaves me astonished every time. Because when ever I am trying to be just a sensible human being somebody asks me are you a feminist. I mean no I am not but yes I am a sensible human being and you are a complete jerk go away.


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