Imperfection is Perfection

What Does Perfection Mean?

I am an ordinary girl with a lot of imperfections. I belong to a world where girls are taught to be perfect because they have to get married and they should be perfect as a wife as daughter in law and all the other relationships she is going to get from her husband's side. To me I think perfection is nothing but a lame term which has made us inhumane as a society. We as a society want everyone else to be perfect and if that does not happen we start being judgmental for the people who does not fit in our glass of perfection. To me I believe that real girls are not perfect and the girls who are perfect are not real. Perfection means to be the best version of yourself. You are the only competent for yourself. The only thing that really matters is to be happy about yourself if you are happy and satisfied by the way you are you are the most perfect girl in the world.

I was always taught to be a typical innocent shy girl and to never break the glass ceiling. What does actually a glass ceiling means if you are thinking that i am conspiring you guys to break and shatter all the glass ceilings you have in your surroundings you are certainly wrong. By this gesture "Breaking The Glass Ceiling" means to overcome all the obstacles you got to reach towards your aim. Aim is the most valuable asset anyone can get. An aimless boy or a girl is worthless. A life without an aim is a shame. At the end of the day no matter whatever you do people are going to judge you. Stop living your life to impress others start impressing yourself. Break all the glass ceilings, liberate yourself by setting all the ifs and buts free. No one should have a power to tell you what you can do or what you can't be your spider man and do not let the demons follow you.

I am not a perfect girl , may be my hair don not stay in place all the day , may be i do not have a perfect body, may be i am clumsy and lazy all the times , may be I do not have a lot of boys chasing me all the times and may be i speak a lot and sometimes nothing falls in place. But when I look back at all the events of my life I cherish each and every moment of being imperfect. To me Imperfection is Perfection and will always be.


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