Is There a Problem???

Do You Have a Problem in Your Life??

Life comprises of so many different events some can be in your favor but most of the time they are not. This is the time when we think Oh there is a problem. The point of making this conversation today is that when you find out that alright there is a problem. What do you actually do about it. Different people have different attitudes towards same problems. My point of writing this is that what you can actually do about a problem, can you fix it?? if yes than why making a buzz out of it. If you can not fix what would making a buzz will do for you. You would not get any benefit from stressing out. Stress makes you take the worst decision one could ever take in his or her life.

Love Problems??

One of this century's biggest problem "Love". Have your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated upon you??.Some would relate to this problem some would have different relationships problem. Take a moment and think is this relationship worthy enough. Does the person you love the most deserve your love??. Do not ever put yourself in a relationship where you just tolerate the other because you are habitual of talking to him or her. This is the worst thing you could do to yourself. Love is just a part of your life. It is not your life. A person who does not have you in his or her priority list is a waste of time now and would be a waste of time in future. All he or she will give you is grief and sorrow. Put yourself in a healthy relationship. If your boyfriend or girlfriend cheats upon you, ditches you, does not give you the importance you are worthy of , leave him/her. If love is the problem figure out that can you fix it if yes than stop getting worried if not then let go of it because there is nothing you could do about it. Sometimes letting go is the best thing you can do.

Why Am I not Getting Married Problems??

This is the other most biggest issue or problem among the people where I belong from. Especially for girls. Because once she is not getting married her parents are worried about it. Once she gets married she is worried about everything. I mean lets just give ourselves a break. Lets think do we really want to get married??. A sincere answer would be no because hundred out  ninety girls would be getting married because she has younger sisters in line so if she won't get married apparently her sisters also could not. The other category I have seen who is eager to get married are those whose ex boyfriends are getting married so they want to prove to their exes that they do not miss him anymore, so she decides to get married. Some decides to get married because according to society in Pakistan a girl should be married by the age of 25 otherwise she would be considered as an aunt. This is my most humble request to all the girls out there and boys too do not get married until you really feel like. Because its not about yourself only. Marriage is a decision which should only be taken when you are completely ready. If you have single doubt in your mind do not go for it. Wait for the right person and wait for the right time. Do not jump into any decision you are not yet ready to take.

Bringing this to an end i would ask all of you Do you have a problem??. Can you do any thing about it??. Yes?. Then why worried??.Do you have a problem??Can you do anything about it??. No?. Then why worried??.


  1. Well written miss imperfect... But i have an argument.. Saying that if u can't do anything about ur problem so no need to worry is pretty easy.. But that problem might have a bigger impact on one's life.. Maybe he/she is helpless in a matter & that matter is effecting his /her life miserably... In such situation... One can not control him/herself from getting worried... What are your thoughts about such situation?

    1. Look what change you can bring in that situation by getting worried. Getting tense is going to make it worse. You can only solve the problem when your nerves are all cool down. So worrying is going to make it worse for you. My suggestion to you is just to take a deep breath and go with the flow things would get fixed on their own.

    2. Well to be very honest i do not believe in this phrase that things would get fixed on their own.. The actual thing is that we get used to the situation after sometime & it feels like things have got better.. We get used to that pain & than the intensity of its just do not remain same for us as it was at the beginning...

    3. Well its just about your beleifs. Some people have a strong belief that things would get fixed and they does


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