Why did She Got out of her Home??

Today I came across a tweet while scrolling down the twitter obviously. Now before writing this I want to tell you all that I belong from a country where women are subjected to be the reason of every problem you might see in a society. Now by seeing this tweet and reading the comments below. I have taken a decision that I would teach my son the same code of ethics that all the girls in my country are used to of learning.
Now coming towards what the tweet was. The tweet was of an anonymous girl who was writing the tweet just to i guess take out her aggression at a very minimal scale because I think that could be the only platform for her to debate. She actually tweeted the story of her being harassed by some of the boys. When she was out with her family. She also mentioned that when her brother tried to stop them. They also misbehaved with her brother and even with her family. I was devastated not only by reading that tweet but by reading those comments which some of our responsible citizens were making. They were telling her that why did she went out of her home. They told her that you are a girl and you need to stay at home. You are not to suppose go outside the home even with your brother and family because if you will do so it is the right of other boys to misbehave with you. As you gave them the chance to do so.
My mind has blown out today. I have never encountered such foolish people in my life ever. By writing all this. I must make it clear that I am not a feminist so all the boys reading this take a deep breath. I am just a sensible human being. My mind today is full of so many questions. Since I am a girl. I know my mother has always taught me all the code of conduct , code of ethics a girl needs to follow. I just want to know what is the code of conduct for the boys??. Is there no thing like code of ethics for a boy. Does a boy have a complete liberty to harass a girl just because she is not sitting at her home??. By saying all this I do not want to criticize a gender completely. These are some of those ill literate people who just want to bash others on social media. They would never think how sensitive a topic is. All they know is bashing others. Just out of no reason . There are some people who are the most unhappiest ones and by bashing others they want to make others unhappy. A one minute silence for all those who are just born to bash others.

Share Your Story with your sons:

By writing this I want to convey all the mothers. I want to play my role as far as I could. I want to tell all the mothers to share your story with your son. Tell them how did you feel when you were disrespected or harassed by a boy. Share with them when a boy whistled at you. Tell them how awkward you felt when someone kept staring at you. Tell them how did you feel when you paid money at a restaurant and waiter tried to touch your hand. Share all this with your son. Tell them that you felt so uncomfortable and disgusted about this. When you will share this with your son , I have a faith that he will think twice before whistling ,before touching and before harassing any other girl. Teach all  the code of ethics and code of conducts to your sons too. Because not only girls need to learn all this. Guys also need to learn all the ethics to make this place a better world to live in.

To all those boys who think they are keeping all the girls safe by keeping an eye on them. Please take off your eyes of them. Because girls are only going to be safe when you will take off your eyes. 


  1. Very well written.. Kindly also write about the evil element in the girls as well.

  2. I will definitely address evil girls topic but again I am not criticising the whole gender there are some exceptions to whom i was addressing.


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