A Girl's Perspective!!

I am writing just my mind out. All the perspectives I have so far regarding love, marriage and falling in love. I don't think so that falling in love is an easy task. You put so much energy into it. Whether it be your emotions, your time, your effort , even your money. Falling in love with the right person is the most important part of falling in love. I at this stage of life Do not think that it is a good approach to find yourself a man and fall in love with him. Because it takes a lot from you.

Love Marriage or Arranged??

Well its just about meeting the right person. What if the meeting is organized by your parents. If you see a potential relationship with the person you met than why not an arranged marriage what is wrong with it. It is not always necessary to fall in  love. Sometimes you don't, sometimes you do but if things do not go the way they were supposed to be. What to do then??. Do not give upon your relationships easily. Try to latch upon until you are forbidden to do so. Love would find you one way or the other. Do not leave yourself with regrets that you did not tried. But if it does not work out stop blaming yourself and the person you loved for it. Sometimes things are meant to be that way. Do not end your relationships by cursing each other. Take it to an end gracefully. Always remember all the quality time you spent with each other. Do not try to put the other person down by blaming him or her. May be he is right on his perspective you can not get it. Stop hating each other. You will never get peace when doing this. Going through a break up is hard but it gets worst when you start hating each other. If a relationship does not work out both of the parties are responsible. Start thinking differently. Bring yourself to peace. Its not your fault nor his/her.This was planned like that.

Importance of space in a relationship:

Space is important for every relationship. Whether its a mother daughter relationship, girlfriend boyfriend relationship, even husband or wife relationship. Yes space is important. Do not try to pile on upon each other. Getting in a relationship does not mean that your life is finished and as a matter of fact your partner's life is finished. He got to do the stuff he always used to. Stop sticking to him like a chewing gum. Stop suffocating each other. It is completely ok if he still talks to his female friends similarly it is completely fine if you talk to your male friends. Trust is the key to success. I mean what if he/she lies you that he/she don't talk to them what would you do about it. You will never find out be grateful that he/she does not lie to you. Don't let lies come between your relationship. It is completely fine if your boyfriend goes to a bachelor venture. If he is going to cheat you he is going to that your getting so chummy about him is not going to help you at all.  

Be yourself:

There is no need of faking yourself. Do not try to be what you are not. Because you can not hide yourself for too long. Just be yourself. If he/she loves you accepts you the way you are then only go for it. Otherwise it would be just a waste of energy, time and effort. Put your effort where it is needed the most. Stop lying about things. This is going to take your relationship to a place from where getting back would be so much difficult.

Now if you are wondering how do I know so much about this crap. Well I have the most corrupt college friends. They used to change boyfriends like clothes so after so much counselling I have done for them. So much break up tears, I have learnt a lot. So i opt for an arranged marriage because I cannot handle tears. You comment down what do you opt for.Sorry to all those friends who are reading this and be thankful that I have not mentioned your names here, because otherwise you know your mom also read this and she does not want to hear about your college ventures for sure.


  1. Please do mention the names๐Ÿ˜…

    1. Hahahhaaaa I would love to sadia but my friends are begging me not to๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


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