Habits of Most Effective People

What do you think life just happens to you??. No it does not. It has been designed very carefully for you. Although you are responsible for the choices you make.But things flow in an order that was already written. You choose to be happy or to be sad. You choose to be in love or not to be in love. You choose to be successful or to be a failure. In making these choices you , your habits and your attitude towards life plays the most important role. Today i will be telling you different habits of the people i found most effective. May be some of you won't agree with me. If you don't agree with me kindly share your thoughts below in the comments. Your opinions are highly appreciable.


Being enthusiastic is the most observed habit among the people i found the most effective. Pro activeness is a quality which ensures that a person is completely responsible for whatever he or she does. It is very easy to blame others about everything that has ever happened to you. You can blame your parents about everything bad that has happened to you. But what does blaming can bring to you. Just nothing. So being enthusiastic means that taking the full responsibility of every action and its reaction in your life.
Being a proactive person one always uses the words like I can , I will etc. On contrary to this the other person would always blame the conditions and would use the words like I have to , What can I do. Do not be the second sort of person. All the problems of your life falls under two dilemmas either the ''Circle of Concern'' or "Circle of influence". A pro active(enthusiast) person always works on the circle of influence. He deals with the problems which are under his control like solving an assignment, resolving an issue among friends. On the other hand a reactive person always works on circle of concern like he would be worried about the areas he has no control over like a natural hazard, a tsunami etc. 

Do not Wait for that one day:

Lets just think for a while what did you want yourself to be when you were at a young age. Now ask one more question to yourself that are you still doing what you wanted to do. In most cases answer would be no. Just make sure that success only matters when you achieve what you really wanted. If you are stepping up the stairs which is leaning on the wrong wall you are not going to reach anywhere. The more successful you will get leaning in a wrong direction the more frustrated you will feel.
Do not wait for that one day to live your life. Make every day that one day. Try to be as unique as you were. Do not go with the flow of the life and than do not blame life for every bad and stupid decision you took. Just remember when life gives you lemon you make a lemonade of it and then do not blame life for it.

Be Communicative:

Always remember communication is the only key to success. A person who is communicative can solve any trouble in his life. Whether it be a relationship issue or a work issue. Just be sure that communication is the key to success. A person who believes in a good communication always have an advantage over those who do not believe in communication. Always try to understand first do not try to make others understand what you want. Seeking understanding is always the best thing to do than to make others understand.

Always be ready to learn:

There is no end or limit to learn and experience new things in life. Do no restrict yourself over different aspects. Keep learning new things. Always keep yourself open to learn new aspects of life. Always try to reach and use new technology. Learning should never be stopped. Just remember no body is perfect and one always needs to improve. This is the beauty of our lives. Learning new things, meeting new people will always leave you amazed. Let you your life surprise you every time. Do not plan too much because they restrict you from trying new things. Let yourself be. Enjoy your life as much as you can. Because only a dead person should be in a box. A person who is alive should be as free as a butterfly is.



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