The Subtle Art of not giving a shit

Stay Positive:

In this highly organized world we are always told to be positive. No matter whatever happens. We are always told by our parents, our friends that lets just be positive. To me be positive is just a blood group yeah! you got me right remember B+. Now by saying all this i do not mean to demoralize you about your positivism but yes sometimes we need to be honest with ourselves. Sometimes it is necessary to see what a situation actually is. I mean what if you are stuck in some sort of robbery , would you be positive at that time? No you should not be always positive. Look into the scenarios as they actually are stop doing assumptions. Stop playing positive brain games.

One day i came across an incident , a boy was taken under arrest due to some sort of call he had made to some ill legal organizations. Later after investigation it was found out that. A wandering man asked for his phone because he acted a poor little fellow who had lost his phone. By using his phone he contacted to some organization and got away. The innocent boy was kept into imprisonment for so long what was his fault. He was too positive towards everything. I am not saying that do not help people. Help people but by some different and secure means. Do not let any body use your phone because today the world is comprised of so much unknown hazards. It is better to be safe than to be worried.
I would like to share one more incident here a person was driving back to home from his office. He was asked for a lift. He being a good citizen gave the lift. He never reached back home so , I would say put yourself under first priority rather than being into such disastrous troubles. Always think twice before doing any such deed because world is no more a safe place. Sometimes not giving a shit is a better approach. Because sometimes it is the only thing you can do.

Life is too Short:

Life is too very much short to give every one attention about what they say, what they do. It is completely alright to have double thoughts about people. It is completely alright if you do not get positive vibes about some one. Always follow your gut feelings. It is definitely a cooler option to be scared than to be dead. Life is too short to waste on silly things. Someone who tells you that always be positive tell him that you would not because every day , everything happening to you would not be positive, sometimes its a bad day. There is a difference between positivism and foolishness. Find that difference do not serve yourself as a fool in fulfilling your motif of being positive. If you think somebody is in a deep shit call the cops man you are not responsible for everything. Come on you are not Captain America. 
Think about it for doing good deeds you can find far better places , than a dark roadside. Positivism is a very good habit but accepting the fact that yes man i am in a deep shit is also very important. Because when you are going to find out that yes you are in trouble than only you will be able to fix it. 

If you guys do not agree with me please do comment below your thoughts and opinion are highly appreciable. I am definitely not perfect. This is my way of thinking , yours could be completely different. So if someone is indifferent of my thoughts do tell me. May be I need to think in a different way. Loads of love to all the readers.


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