The Nurturer

Fortunately I was born in a family where my parents did not distinguish between a boy or a girl. But this is not the case with every family where i belong from. Most of the girls are killed in wombs of their mothers in every other district of my country. When I was quite young a question always used to cross my mind that "Why is so that when a women gets pregnant she can not decide what she wants and why she does not know whether its a boy or a girl in her womb?". To me it was very unjust to see a mother carrying a baby for nine months and yet had no clue about her baby being a boy or girl. Now at this stage in my life I got all my answers Allah Almighty does not allow her to choose because He knows how to create a balance in this world and He does not reveal the gender to keep the baby secured because He Almighty knew already that what would happen if the gender would be revealed. Now thanks to the technology gender reveals are done leading to the deaths of I do not know how many girls.

Every day more than two thousand females are aborted in India. I would take your attention towards a fact that when you kill the nurturer you actually create an imbalance upon which generations after generations will regret. There would be no girl left to make your sons married to. Creating an imbalance and going against the nature's law has never helped any human civilization exist in its original shape. When you go against the nature's law, you are actually cutting the roots of your civilization because my dear, women is the only way a civilization can strive and reproduce through. But when you start killing women I must tell you that you are actually endangering your species. If this would not be stopped I am afraid there would be a time human species will get extinct like dinosaurs are today.

This whole conversation takes us to an unanswerable question that what can we do about it. Here comes the problem. When someone listens about some issue like this he or she either shows a I do not care attitude about it or either he decides to change the world. Are you mad?? Do you think a single person can change the world no he can not because the world comprises of so many people with so many different thoughts. People with so much different cultures and norms. So what should you do??. You as a person save one girl. You tell one father that he is so lucky to be the father of a universe itself because her daughter is going to nurture so many lives. You tell one father that he is the luckiest person because he is father to a nurturer. You convince one man to keep the female child. You change one thinking. You save one womb and the world will change itself. 


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