Mom just let it be!!!

Mom was best when I was Young:

Moms are the finest creations of Allah. A mother is a blessing indeed. I have the most supportive mother in this whole world. I remember when i used to be a small , fragile girl i was so much inspired by my mother. I used to love the way she dressed, the way she used to carry herself. I just loved everything about her. My whole day used to spend around my mother. Coming home and not seeing her in home was the worst nightmare for me. Her arms used to be the safest and warmest place. Everything she brought for me , every shopping she did for me was so much appreciated by me. After that teenage happened to me.

Mom just let it be:

I just do not understand that why does this happen that a mother who invests so much in us is left with nothing but just a lot of loneliness given to her by her children. When I grew up into a certain age which I would say yes it was my teen age. I started to keep an opinion about everything  and mostly that opinion was always against my mother. I started to stay busy with my friends and i totally forgot that my mother only had me as a friend. I started arguing her by saying mom you do not know anything about my problems. Just let it be mom. I did not let her in. I just wanna ask a simple question that how many of us talk to our fathers like that or even have an audacity to talk to our fathers like that. I think all of us know the answer to this question. Growing elder we all forget that our parents are also getting older. Now when I  have graduated and i am staying in home.  I have realized that yes I only had one friend and that is my mother. Because all those people i considered friends do not even give me a call. Mothers are the only asset we have for our life time.

We should just always keep in mind that our mothers have sacrificed their everything just to keep us happy. All she need in return is a bit of your time. Give her sometime and you will find that she is the best friend you have. You will find her by your side whenever you need her. Care about your mothers do not wait for the mothers day to meet your mothers. Just take a pause and think what would you do if you won't ever get a chance to see her again. Do not leave your parents when they need you the most. Just think about it that what would have happened if they had left you when you were at your lowest. Don't show  your parents how smart you are. Just remember they are reason for your smartness. Love your parents ,you are the most blessed person in this planet if you have both of your parents. Be grateful for that.


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