
Showing posts from February, 2018

In response to your comments!

So this is not going to be a typical blog as I am used to of writing. This I am writing in response to all the messages I get on face book, all the tweets and also all the comments I get on medium. So it is not possible to address all of those as they are so many. I will be answering some I thought I should answer. I am not mentioning anyone's name due to obvious reasons. Lets dig into it. Comment:1 If someone bashes you on social media have you heard about a button which blocks the basher. You girls throw so much tantrums and show off that you are being bashed but the truth is you like being bashed..... Well umm first of all I have laughed a thousands time after reading this. No offence sir but block does not mean that I should not ask for making internet a safer place. I agree there is a block button but ignoring is not an answer to everything. I would not block i will tell that person to stay off because I am not here to take your shit. As far as throwing tantrums are c

Watch your thoughts not my clothes!

You might be thinking that I am addressing this topic again only for females majority. No I am not. Rape is actually a topic everybody talks about but a very few of them understands what it actually is. It is a matter of showing power. When the powerful suppresses the weaker one by doing any sort of sexual assault. Rape with men ,women and people with other genders or it would be better to say that even no gender is equally important. We should now bring into the consideration that we as a society need to rise against this lethal activity. Otherwise nobody will be safe not your sister my sister or even your sons. It is not specifically about girls. It is about the boys as well.  By means of theoretical definition rape means when an uncontested sexual assault is done to anybody regardless of the gender. Some of the most disgusting reasons given by rapist to perform sexual assault would be under discussion below. He/she/They did not say no so we thought...... Now this is one of the b

Sometimes Superwomen needs a Superman's soul!

Before getting into this I would like to thank all of you who have tweeted me badly to write again.Well I just took a short break I was kind of out zoned. But finally I am back with yet another depressing topic. Just kidding. Today I am just writing to encourage all the super women out there just to tell them that you guys are doing great. To me all the women are born with some invisible magical capes. I know its not women day. But hello ! who said that you can cherish women spirit only on a particular day. It is Okay to be shattered sometimes To all the amazing women out there you know what it is completely okay to find yourselves a bit out zoned sometimes as I was some days ago. It is completely fine to think that my life is going no where. Sometimes it is good to be shattered because once when you are completely devastated then only you decide to rebuild. Being a woman does not limit us at all. You know what we are God's best creation. I mean why not we have made half of the

Types of Girlfriends!

Well it is just a humorous article. Whoever is reading this try to take in humor and do not relate your girlfriends with it otherwise I am not responsible for the breakup. Lets get into types of girlfriends I see around. The clingy one She is the one who wants to be with you all time. Wherever you go she is going to be with you it does not matter that if you are even going to bathroom she will want to come with you. So if you are dating such a girl forget about your bachelor trip because it is never going to happen. The money minded one She sees you as a credit card. Once she notices you can afford all her luxuries she will start deciding the names of your kids and also even colors of the walls of your house. Once you tell her that you are into a financial crisis. She will be gone like she never existed. Beware of those money diggers. The loving one She is the one who loves you so much that you can not resist loving her back. She is the best one never let her go. The inde

Bashing on Social Media!

By far now the social media users are well aware of double edged life they are living on social media that is Facebook , Instagram and who can forget twitter. But we all somehow have forget that while this technology has offered tremendous benefits at the same time it has made our personal lives and yes our emotion extremely vulnerable. There seems no stopping to cyber bullying and online bashing. People find it there responsibility to bash others using social media. Giving negative comments and spreading negative vibes is a hobby to some people. Today I will be sharing some causes why do people bash others and how should you respond to them. Misery loves company: Yes its true misery and miserable people love company. Just because their lives are so miserable so they want to bring you the same misery just to make themselves feel better. To explain it in more clear words its like that their life is like a shit and they want yours to be the same. My most humble request to all of you

Life without Allah does not make any sense

Sometimes it happens that we see ourselves being dragged away or bogged down from Islam. We think none of our prayers are being answered. A situation where we feel like everything is falling apart. We are sure that we would never be able to cope up with this situation. Actually its a time when we loose all the hopes. Same has happened to me several times where I thought how would I be able to get myself through it. Let me tell you that we are doing well we are striving well against the hardships of life. I am still learning and juggling with my life and its experiences. I have made terrible mistakes but what kept me going I am going to share with you people today. Allah does not give upon us: He Almighty never gives upon us. Whenever He finds you lost He guides you. No matter whatever the mistake you have done He will always be there for you. You just need to strive , never give upon Allah. Just remember Whatever happens it happens for a reason. You may find it difficult in that

Growing up with Pakistani Moms!!

If you are born in pakistani household. You by far would have encountered many phrases that our mothers have infiltrated in us. Since I was a child my mom used to say some phrases which she has never forgotten until now. But the best part is that she would never let you forget these phrases because she will make you hear them every single day. No offense guys I love my mother. She is the best mother I could ever get. Lets dive into what phrases she commonly use for me. When I was your age: Well this phrase in my case is used by both of my parents. But mama specially uses it more for me. It is sometimes like ok my mom was a wonder woman at my age. Umm I mean wonder girl not woman. I want to stay in the same house you know precautionary measures are necessary. So moving on its not that she is not a wonder girl right now but just imagine when she was a child. Because I do not know about the others I was a child who is your worst nightmare. I mean the one you are scared of even seeing