Growing up with Pakistani Moms!!

If you are born in pakistani household. You by far would have encountered many phrases that our mothers have infiltrated in us. Since I was a child my mom used to say some phrases which she has never forgotten until now. But the best part is that she would never let you forget these phrases because she will make you hear them every single day. No offense guys I love my mother. She is the best mother I could ever get. Lets dive into what phrases she commonly use for me.

When I was your age:

Well this phrase in my case is used by both of my parents. But mama specially uses it more for me. It is sometimes like ok my mom was a wonder woman at my age. Umm I mean wonder girl not woman. I want to stay in the same house you know precautionary measures are necessary. So moving on its not that she is not a wonder girl right now but just imagine when she was a child. Because I do not know about the others I was a child who is your worst nightmare. I mean the one you are scared of even seeing. So she expects me to behave the same way as she did when she was at my age. Even if its going to university with an oily head. I mean even if HBO comes on TV. I am suppose to see DOORDARSHAN because when she was at my age it was the only channel that was aired.

This what has happened to you is because of that mobile of yours:

Mobile and mom are both college rivals. Because according to my mom if anything bad happens to me it is because of my mobile. Like anything for example if I am running through a fever its because last night she saw me using mobile late in night. Even if i tell her that mom I feel like throwing up. She would say its because of your mobile. As according to her when i was eating i would probably be using phone that is why I could not see what I ate. So everything bad happens to you is because of your phone simple no arguments. If somehow you are into a situation where she is angry with you don,t you dare touch your phone otherwise man you are in a deep shit. You will be blamed for that even after twenty five years.

Money does not grow on trees:

Now this is something I hear thousand times a day. Because to my mom I am a rich spoiled brat who is just wasting money recharging her phone. Whenever I go to her asking for money she will be like your father does not run a factory or mill. You got to be in your limits. At your age we were just given one rupee and I used to save money from it. I am like ok mom I will ask dad for this. Than its not only about you now your dad is also on attack. Now she will tell him you are the one who has spoiled her. She is not going to adjust in any man's house after getting married because she spends too much. But thanks to God I have a pumpkin father otherwise i would have died in hunger.

Who is this new friend?? Everyday you make new friends:

So before addressing this phrase I must tell you. I have done my bachelors in computer sciences. WOAH!! you must be thinking, tough educated girl. NAH!! I don't know the P of Programming.I had some superman friends thanks to them I passed all those courses. So mostly I had male friends because we were like three to four girls in total out of which one is my bestie others I did not feel like talking to. So i used to call these friends by their last name. My mom was quite familiar with these names. One day same friend calls me and my bad I called him with his first name. My mom was all ears I must tell you. She even had that master plan to make me break up with him. As i disconnected the call she was like everyday you make new male friends I will tell your dad about it. I will make you sit at home and i was like he was the same old friend. She said I have never heard this name before. I than had to show her his complete name. Than I was disowned for calling him by his last name.Yeah shit happens. It happens to me more often.

Every time you watch evil movies,Try and remember Allah sometimes:

Well before you start judging me I offer my prayers five time a day Alhamdulilah. But my mom is not convinced. But if she is watching movies like HAM SATH SATH HAIN and how to forget BAGHBAN. With all due respect sir Amitabh Bachan but yes you have made all the kids a victim of emotional black mailing after making this film. I have seen this film like more than twenty times. Because nobody in our home has a courage to change the channel if this movie is aired. So if you are watching the movie with her its ok. But if she watched you watching Games of Thrones she will tell you that you are going straight to hell.

One day you sit home, will hell come over??

She does not want you to go out. She would never say it with some comfortable tone. She will just tell you to sit at home because hell won't come over if you do not go out for one day. Its completely mom logic.

When i will die you will remember me:

This is the ultimate weapon. Once she says this you are ready to get yourself thrown out of the window as well no matter if you live on the fifteenth floor.

I do not want my mother to kill me after reading this. Ama I love you the most. I love each and everything about you. You are my biggest motivation. With you everything is settled for me. I love you.


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