Life without Allah does not make any sense

Sometimes it happens that we see ourselves being dragged away or bogged down from Islam. We think none of our prayers are being answered. A situation where we feel like everything is falling apart. We are sure that we would never be able to cope up with this situation. Actually its a time when we loose all the hopes. Same has happened to me several times where I thought how would I be able to get myself through it.
Let me tell you that we are doing well we are striving well against the hardships of life. I am still learning and juggling with my life and its experiences. I have made terrible mistakes but what kept me going I am going to share with you people today.

Allah does not give upon us:

He Almighty never gives upon us. Whenever He finds you lost He guides you. No matter whatever the mistake you have done He will always be there for you. You just need to strive , never give upon Allah. Just remember Whatever happens it happens for a reason. You may find it difficult in that particular moment but someday you will realize that it happened because He Almighty wanted something better for you. Never lose hope.

Tawwakul (Trust):

Sometimes things that happen to us are completely astonishing. You may find it completely awful sometimes. Just remember that Allah has precedence over anything. It could be even worst. We can not judge His decisions. All we can do is to put our complete trust in Him. All we need to know is that Allah would never put me into something which is not in my favor. He Almighty loves you the most. He does not put you into hardships unless there is something great for you in it. Whatever He does is in best favor of you. Once you are going to develop a strong Tawwakul on Him I guarantee you that you are never going to fall apart in your life.

Be Patient:

Allah never puts you through something you can not handle. He Almighty never make you go through a situation you can not deal with. I know being patient is not an easy task. It is sometimes exhausting , sometimes you feel that after so much patience I have put in I got just nothing out it. But let me tell you being patient is always worthed in the end.Giving up should never be an option what if Allah gave upon you when you were in the most of His need.You just need to know that being patient must be bitter in taste but all the results you get out of it are sweeter than any chocolate.

Always keep up with your prayers:

keep in mind that He Almighty does not need us we need Him the most. Never give up on your prayers being into any tough situation. Salah keeps you closer to Allah. It is the best way to communicate with your creator. As your lungs need air to survive your soul needs salah to survive. Always offer your prayers. Set alarms for your prayer times as you do for your working hours. Salah is the key to success. I do not remember a single wish that has not been fulfilled by Allah as I used to ask Him for those wishes in my salah. 

Show Gratitude:

Now you must be thinking that it is very tough because a person who is going through a lot of trouble is never grateful. But just stop and think for once. Are you alive?? Did Allah give you all your senses. He wakes you up every single day. He provides you with all the food. He is giving you every breath you have.He has given you so much. So be grateful to that Lord who did this much for you and is still doing. He never shuts His door on us every time we do a mistake. He never starves us to death although we are so disobedient. He never disclose our sins upon others. He hide them. Just imagine waking up and seeing that each and every person who praises you know every sin you made in past. Even just thinking about this is devastating. He Almighty bare with us a lot. What do you think we should be grateful or not?? Yes we should be. We should be grateful for all the happiness and all the sorrows. Be grateful for what He gave you.

I can never imagine my life without Allah. Life without Allah does not make any sense. Just try to never give upon Him. Every thing else will fall in place and that I promise you.


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