In response to your comments!

So this is not going to be a typical blog as I am used to of writing. This I am writing in response to all the messages I get on face book, all the tweets and also all the comments I get on medium. So it is not possible to address all of those as they are so many. I will be answering some I thought I should answer. I am not mentioning anyone's name due to obvious reasons. Lets dig into it.

Comment:1 If someone bashes you on social media have you heard about a button which blocks the basher. You girls throw so much tantrums and show off that you are being bashed but the truth is you like being bashed.....

Well umm first of all I have laughed a thousands time after reading this. No offence sir but block does not mean that I should not ask for making internet a safer place. I agree there is a block button but ignoring is not an answer to everything. I would not block i will tell that person to stay off because I am not here to take your shit. As far as throwing tantrums are concerned then why the hell you see all our tantrums?? And showing off is your forte not mine. So next time before putting such a comment think twice that I have a block button on blogger also along with a report button. So Mr hater keep hating.

Comment:2 Are you a feminist type?? I am all for equality but feminists are crazy you write a lot for girls so thought that you are one of them.

Actually I am a girl as the title of my blogging page shows you. Well i guess you have not read all my blogs I have written for boys as well #Types of Girlfriends. This is the blog I got highest views on and believe me it was in favor of boys. To answer your question no I am not a feminist but a sensible human being.

Comment 3: What is your real name and how old are you?

As you can see that on my profile my name is Sania Asad and I am 22 years old.

Comment 4: You shall write more on funny topics rather than depressing ones.

I try to maintain a balance and secondly it is not like that I prepare for a topic to write. I write whatever I am feeling like writing about. Whenever I am in a good mood i do write funny stuff. When I am not i do write depressing stuff.

Comment 5: How much do you earn writing blogs? Are you doing it for a hobby or profession??

Well for your first part of question i will say that I am earning nothing I am just 17 blogs older. I do have a good traffic on my page but not really earning anything. As for the second part of the question I do it as a hobby completely not as a profession.

Comment 6: Did you have a break up?

Lol hell no. If I am writing about relationship issues it does not mean that I am getting into one or I have broken up. Secondly I do not like to share my personal life with anyone so stop digging into such personal stuff. If ill be writing about divorce it does not mean that i had one. 

Comment 7: You should write daily. i do wait for your blogs.

Thanks a lot you liked my work but i can not write daily because sometimes i really do not feel like writing secondly i am very busy in doing other households too. So i do not promise about writing everyday but yes I will try being as regular as I can.

Comment 8: You should not take such bold topics to write.#Watch your thoughts not my clothes

To me it was not bold. Secondly i do not owe an explanation to anyone if you do not feel like reading you can leave. I will write what I want to.

Comment 9: Why can I not comment on your blogs??

Umm it has something to do with your google account for commenting on my blogging page you need to have a google account. Unless you can not post a comment there but you need not to worry as I read all the messages you inbox me on my face book. 

Comment 10: How are you so positive about everything? #Is there a problem

I do not know its just i sometimes also get very negative its just that sometimes I am into a very positive zone and sometimes totally out zoned. It depends yaar totally upon the situation. So do not think that I am very positive so i will be having a very great life and you do not. Believe me I have a same boring life as any other girl most of the times I am in kitchen washing dishes or cooking for my family I am just nobody to look upon to. Its just I try to not being worried a lot and I always go with the flow of the time.

Comment 11: I dare you to perform cinnamon challenge and write your experience about it.

I don't know what should I say to you. Out of so many things you have asked to perform cinnamon challenge and than to write my experience about it. Bhai lgta hai tumara hangover ni utra abi tak mun dho k ana agli dfa.(I think you still have some hangover next time you come be sure you have washed your face).You know what actually share your cinnamon eating experience with me and then ill do the same with you. Besides I hate cinnamon.

Comment 12: You seem like a 12 year old fighting with are too aggressive

Thank you so much for making me feel so young and yes may be you are right I am aggressive but again it is my writing style if you dont like it leave the page.

So these were some of the comments i went through and I find it really interesting to answer these. Comment down if you want to see such responsive blogs again.


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