Watch your thoughts not my clothes!

You might be thinking that I am addressing this topic again only for females majority. No I am not. Rape is actually a topic everybody talks about but a very few of them understands what it actually is. It is a matter of showing power. When the powerful suppresses the weaker one by doing any sort of sexual assault. Rape with men ,women and people with other genders or it would be better to say that even no gender is equally important. We should now bring into the consideration that we as a society need to rise against this lethal activity. Otherwise nobody will be safe not your sister my sister or even your sons. It is not specifically about girls. It is about the boys as well.  By means of theoretical definition rape means when an uncontested sexual assault is done to anybody regardless of the gender. Some of the most disgusting reasons given by rapist to perform sexual assault would be under discussion below.

He/she/They did not say no so we thought......

Now this is one of the biggest reasons given by these shitty people that they did not say no. By uncontested we mean not an audible no but if its not a yes you are not allowed to touch anyone. If a person is drunk or is not in his/her senses you ought to help them to make them go home safely. You can not take advantage of that. A girl who is autistic can not say no you are not supposed to touch her because she did not say no. Silence does not mean yes. Intoxication is not at all the valid reason to say that he/she/they did not said no so we thought..... Grow out of it for heaven's sake. 

She was wearing Provocative clothes

Clothing plays a major role in this male dominating society. A girl wearing provocative clothes provoke men to lust and put them out of their senses. This is completely rubbish. I mean nowadays small babies are being raped what was provocative about them?? Their tiny frocks?? or their diapers??. Stop creating a buzz that she wore such clothes that is why she got raped. Its not about her clothes. Its about your mentality because you distinguished between decent and provocative clothes. You created a mindset. She is not wearing anything provocative its just you have a lusty mind. A male does not wear anything what society thinks is provocative still his body is invaded. What would one say about that??. If t shirts , jeans and skirts are provocative than why are girls wearing sarees , suits and even abayas are equally prone to this.

Parents let their kids out late it night

You can not decide the character of any girl or boy by the time of him/her reaching back home. You are a nobody to judge upon anything. Stop running your minds out of nothing. A rape can never be justified by any argument. There is not a single argument to justify this act. As a matter of conversation lets say that she/he were out late it night but where did your ethics go?? What were you doing there late in night?? Waiting for the victim??. If there is a set of code and ethics it should be same for every one not only for one community.

Rapes do not take place because the victim or survivor did not say no. It does not happen because she was wearing provocative clothes.It just happens because of the mindset just because some people do not have any control over their lust. This mindset needs to be changed and the hand you keep on the victim's head needs to be on the rapist's neck. Do not sympathize the victims be aggressive. You need to be aggressive for your kids future because this is the same society your kids are going to live in. Try to make it a safer place for you and for your next generations.


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