Bashing on Social Media!

By far now the social media users are well aware of double edged life they are living on social media that is Facebook , Instagram and who can forget twitter. But we all somehow have forget that while this technology has offered tremendous benefits at the same time it has made our personal lives and yes our emotion extremely vulnerable.
There seems no stopping to cyber bullying and online bashing. People find it there responsibility to bash others using social media. Giving negative comments and spreading negative vibes is a hobby to some people. Today I will be sharing some causes why do people bash others and how should you respond to them.

Misery loves company:

Yes its true misery and miserable people love company. Just because their lives are so miserable so they want to bring you the same misery just to make themselves feel better. To explain it in more clear words its like that their life is like a shit and they want yours to be the same. My most humble request to all of you who are victim of such cyber bullying is that learn to take it on chin and ignore these begrudgers. Life is too complicated itself do not make it more complicated by thinking about that useless comment by someone who do not even have an original profile. He just used a fake profile to spread misery all over the world. So when someone tries to transfer his misery to you tell him that you are genuinely not interested.

You are too classy for them to handle:

When some of the people see others being more classy than them. What they do is trying to spread hatred for them. They are someone who will never understand your struggle and determination of how you brought yourself so far. All they want is that they are going to bash you because you have all those things what they want. As a matter of fact they would never work hard for that all they will do is sit behind their computer screens and spread the hate because its what they are best at. Now you would think how to deal them i would say you are too classy to even see these comments just do not bother that shit.

They do not want to lose to you:

They are someone who see life as a competition.  They always see who is richer, who has more friends who has a best career and so on and you know what?? they want to win from you. Their eagerness towards life is not because of their zeal towards their work its because of their fear that they will be lost. They see you as a goal. The more distance between you and them the more they are going to hate you as they want each and every thing you have. So as far as such haters are concerned let them spread the hate and you sit back holding a warm mug of coffee and enjoy the theater.

They do not have anything better to do in life:

Here comes my favorite category. Those who have nothing to do in life. All they do is stalk others and find their mistakes. They are one of those aunties who makes your pictures go zoom until its pixels are all zoomed in. Then they see each and every detail in the background just in order to get some spicy feedback so that they can return to your moms telling that she has no control over her kids. My most sincere advise to you is block them.

They need attention:

All the haters need only one thing that is attention. All they do is to be in paparazzi. Because once they know that you see their comments and that you are effected by what they say, they will never stop. So their best defeat is silence. Never argue or talk back to them. Because when you will not respond they will stop doing it.

They are priests with more high  morals: 

These are the ones who think the are better than you in every aspect. They will always try to teach you the ethics and will always tell you that you need to improve. You know what they are hypocrites they just camouflage themselves in order to get all the respect by those people who find them on the right path. What you need to do is stay calm and do not judge your moral values by seeing their comments. You are a grown up person you know your morals and ethics nobody has a liberty to teach you at least not on social media I mean they are not our parents.

In the end i would say that they all are losers who try to put others down by using the advantage of a fake profile. All I want to say to all those who bash others is that come up with your original profile sweet heart and then see what happens to you. Show us some guts and stop being a sneaky peaky begrudger. 


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