Types of Girlfriends!

Well it is just a humorous article. Whoever is reading this try to take in humor and do not relate your girlfriends with it otherwise I am not responsible for the breakup. Lets get into types of girlfriends I see around.

The clingy one

She is the one who wants to be with you all time. Wherever you go she is going to be with you it does not matter that if you are even going to bathroom she will want to come with you. So if you are dating such a girl forget about your bachelor trip because it is never going to happen.

The money minded one

She sees you as a credit card. Once she notices you can afford all her luxuries she will start deciding the names of your kids and also even colors of the walls of your house. Once you tell her that you are into a financial crisis. She will be gone like she never existed. Beware of those money diggers.

The loving one

She is the one who loves you so much that you can not resist loving her back. She is the best one never let her go.

The independent one

She is so cool and independent that she will never see you as a boyfriend but just as a companion. She will pay for herself. She will never expect gifts. She is the one who will never be possessive. She is too much complete herself you are just going to compliment her. So if you are looking for a chummy lubby dubby relationship never go for an independent girl. But if you actually believe in beauty with brains go for it.

The high maintenance one

 She is the one who needs very high maintenance. Like she will be allergic to dust, sun and everything you actually love like your friends and even your parents. They will always want to go the most expensive restaurant and going to order the most expensive dish and then she is going to eat what you ordered because that expensive dish is not edible. So you come back home with empty pockets and empty stomach. Think about it isn't it better to be alone on valentines than to be in such a materialistic relationship?

The jealous one

Now before dating her keep one thing in your mind that you can not talk to a girl. If you did so she will cry and she will cry that much that you have not seen anyone crying. So you are only allowed to talk to your sister and your mother that is it. So if you can not handle tears she is not the right choice for you.

We are just friends one

Now this is the most dangerous type because she will act as your girlfriend but whenever you will ask for a commitment suddenly she will tell you that "Me ne to kabi tumhe us nazar se dekha hi ni(I have never seen you as a boyfriend)". So you would be friend zoned. So stop wasting your time and money on such girls.

The no identity one

She is the one who will act as she is your twin sister. She will eat what you like. She will say what you want. She will do each and everything you do. So tell her to be herself and stop being mini you. She is a girl friend not your clone.

The sarcastic one

Now if she tells you that I am fine. Never believe her because she is being sarcastic and you will have to pay for asking that. So whatever she says take the reverse meaning of that if she says i am not hungry it means she is go and grab her a pizza. If she says i am fine no she is not so make her fine otherwise you would not be fine. If she says have fun rush back to home because it ain't funny boy.

So this valentines think twice before getting into a relationship. Because every day is valentines when you are in a right relationship and every day is a hell day when you are in a bad relationship.


  1. "Every day is valentines..." Have heard this somewhere before as well :P :P


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