Sometimes Superwomen needs a Superman's soul!

Before getting into this I would like to thank all of you who have tweeted me badly to write again.Well I just took a short break I was kind of out zoned. But finally I am back with yet another depressing topic. Just kidding. Today I am just writing to encourage all the super women out there just to tell them that you guys are doing great. To me all the women are born with some invisible magical capes. I know its not women day. But hello ! who said that you can cherish women spirit only on a particular day.

It is Okay to be shattered sometimes

To all the amazing women out there you know what it is completely okay to find yourselves a bit out zoned sometimes as I was some days ago. It is completely fine to think that my life is going no where. Sometimes it is good to be shattered because once when you are completely devastated then only you decide to rebuild. Being a woman does not limit us at all. You know what we are God's best creation. I mean why not we have made half of the world gone crazy for us. We can handle every damn thing life brings to us. We are entrepreneurs, chefs, wives and moms at the same time. What do you thing anybody else can handle that?? No not at all nobody can. So it is fine if you get completely frustrated of everything and it is alright to take a break.

Get rid of Mom Guilt

You know what it is natural if you do not like the whole pregnancy process. I mean who the hell wants to wake up throwing up every morning. Who wants to be blown up like bubble gum??. Who wants to have a rush of so many unusual emotions?? Who wants to have nine months of sleepless nights. So if you are complaining enough about it you have a complete right to do so. For those who start making you feel guilty about it , I would say rest in peace please. All those men who make you indulge in that mom guilt tell them to buzz off because they do not have any idea from what you are going through. So sometimes even super women needs a superman's soul. 

It is okay if you do not want kids

Okay so this is the biggest problem of our generation right now. As soon as a girl gets married she has been asked frequently about when are you going to have a baby. I mean some of the most famous Pakistani aunties start asking this question on the very next day of the wedding. I mean come on ladies you should have told earlier she could have come to your home being pregnant. So all the girls out there if you do not want kids at a early stage of your marriage it is fine. As far as it is okay with your husband and it is a mutual consent of both of you. It is fine to be focused on your career even after marriage who says you can not manage both??. And I do not understand what is actually meant by "Ab bacha kar lo(Do a baby)". What the hell means "KAR LO". Like this is not even urdu man. How can you even do a child?? Out of no where some strange person comes and asks the girl to have a baby. Who the hell asked you sir?? Why do not you mind your own freaking business. All the women who are reading this just remember that being a mother is a great responsibility do not jump for it unless you are not ready. 

Being in an eastern society you will get to hear a lot of stupid things from very stupid people. All you need to do is just take a deep breath and let it be. Because all that should matter to you is your own opinion and your own decision. Set your own priorities and follow your dreams. Being a mom is a priceless emotion and do not spoil it being confused about it. You would not be declared as a bad woman if you would not have a child in early days of your marriage. But indeed you will be declared a bad mom if you would not be ready for it. Do not put another soul into suffering just because you were too afraid to face the world. You know what you will be just fine because you are super women and it is okay if sometimes you need a superman's soul. Because you are a miracle in yourself and you know what "BOLD IS BEAUTIFUL". 



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