
This can no happen to me.

The title does not refer to the topic I am going to infer today. Breast cancer is one of the major diseases women are infected of nowadays. According to recent studies out of every 9 women 1 is abducted to the disease. My point of referring to this topic is not the fact that World cancer day has been passed few days ago. I was planning on writing many months ago but could not find the appropriate details to write upon. I am not going to write about the symptoms every one has listened to the problem many times. Every other girl knows the symptoms. I want to address the biggest problem that is the realization problem. This can not happen to me: Life is very uncertain. Nobody ever thinks that anything bad can ever happen to me. All we imagine is good vibes and good times so in spite of visible symptoms people ignore it just because they do not realize that anything bad can ever happen to them also. Cancer is a disease which has a cure and can be cured if treated at the right time. T

The Power of word No.

I have came across millions of billions of words in my life but I have never seen a word more powerful than NO. It is simply a rejection, a warning, a stop statement, a gesture telling that you do not agree, it is a whole universe in itself.  It is a shield against exploitation and at the same time it is the instrument of integrity. I am of a firm belief that a woman's strength lies in this word. No has two faces: NO usually has two faces the first type of No is the one which we say to ourselves and the other one that create boundaries and limits between ourselves and others. The moment you say NO to yourself you stop yourself from self destruction. No i do not deserve this. This is the moment you realize your worth and tell the other that stay in your limits. You tell them that no you can not do this to me but for this you need to tell yourself that "No". This can not happen to me. The moment of self realization takes place with a single NO. You guys might be th

Troll is not a joke.

Hello beautiful people out there. I hope all of you are doing good. Today I will be discussing and making it clear that all the negativity people throw at me does not make me feel bad about myself. I will write what I feel is right and I will say what I want to say. If anyone has a problem with it there is a simple solution to that please Buzz off. If you do not like my blogs there is no need to read them. I need to make it clear that I am not at all influenced of your negativity and I am not at all a sort of person who will take your shit silently. I do not believe in just ignoring and blocking I will put you against cyber security as google, blogger and all the other social media platforms have now made it quite an easy task to track you down and complaint about this. Trolling is not a joke: Now for those who think that they have a right to give your so called opinions and that if some one is doing something publicly he or she should be ready for taking negative comments. I must

What it is to be free!

Hello to all the people who are reading this. Some of the events in my life has shown me the value of being free. Having a free will to do anything is a blessing indeed. Life may be difficult for some of us but yet if you can make your own decisions and people are their to support you in those decisions of yours, you are most probably the luckiest person on this planet. Now some people would be thinking well everyone is having a free will nowadays what is she talking about. So let me tell you when I was young I used to pray a lot which is quite unusual for a six or seven years old. What I used to pray for was intelligence and freedom. What Freedom looked like to me: Years before when I thought of freedom. I always had a thought in my mind that one day I would not have to ask for permissions to go anywhere, I could dress the way I want to. I will buy a house right next to a beach. A house with big windows which would allow the sunlight to fall into it. A dream house with all the lux

The moment I realized my voice is heard!

The moment I realized that my voice is being heard I come up with a comment where someone told me to write about man's abuse.According to him if a man is eve teasing a woman it is completely a normal act and a woman should take it as a fun and should not create an issue out of it. According to him if a woman slaps a man due to eve teasing that man is being abused by her. Now not only today I am shocked to be part of such a society where people with this filthy mentality exist, I am pinched by this ridiculous thought of a man. I do not know how to explain the emotion of being so much disgusted. First of all lets us discuss what does harassment actually means? People in my country believe that harassment to a woman is only caused when she is being harmed physically. Let me explain that talking to a woman in a slithery manner is also a part of harassing her. Now just imagine yourself buying some grocery at a store and someone passes you by saying "patakha, chamia,phool jhari &qu

Committing a Suicide!

As you all can judge through the title today's topic of discussion would be ''Why people are committing suicide ?''. Suicide is an act which is taken under the circumstances of extreme hopelessness. For those who do not know the meaning of this term suicide means taking ones own life. The matter of concern is that why does a person wants to kill him or herself. What urges a man to take his life. As we all know life is so precious to almost everybody than what leads people to take their own life. There is nobody to talk to: I came across so many people who are depressed because they do not have anyone to talk to. Sometimes you are surrounded by so many people. It can be family , friends or colleagues still you do not feel like talking to anyone. There are certain issues which you are afraid of discussing with anyone because you know that you will be embarrassed about that in front of the people you know. As a result of which you start making yourself depressed

Technology brings communication barriers.

By writing this I will not say that I will not use technology because that would be a lie. Nobody can live without technology nowadays because it is completely next to impossible. What we can do is that we should realize that technology can not replace the emotions. Till date technology has failed to help human kind emotionally. People keep themselves so much busy in using technology that they have forgot to communicate with each other which is why there are a lot of communication barriers. Kids using mobile phones and tablets: Nowadays I have seen kids involved in playing games on their tablets and cell phones of their parents. Now I don't know if it is fine to some parents but they should realize that a kid needs to play some outdoor games too. We as kids were so much active in doing extra curricular activities because back than there were no tablets and no cell phones. Now I see small babies wearing spectacles the reason behind is excess use of tablets. I know the fact t