Troll is not a joke.

Hello beautiful people out there. I hope all of you are doing good. Today I will be discussing and making it clear that all the negativity people throw at me does not make me feel bad about myself. I will write what I feel is right and I will say what I want to say. If anyone has a problem with it there is a simple solution to that please Buzz off. If you do not like my blogs there is no need to read them. I need to make it clear that I am not at all influenced of your negativity and I am not at all a sort of person who will take your shit silently. I do not believe in just ignoring and blocking I will put you against cyber security as google, blogger and all the other social media platforms have now made it quite an easy task to track you down and complaint about this.

Trolling is not a joke:

Now for those who think that they have a right to give your so called opinions and that if some one is doing something publicly he or she should be ready for taking negative comments. I must tell you that giving shitty comments, slut shaming someone, body shaming someone is not a freaking opinion it is a bloody judgement that you throw on anybody. I am not ready for taking negativity and I will not. I want to ask you if you think that it is your right to put forward your opinions why do not you do it from your real account. Why do you have to make a fake account. You people make fake accounts just to put others down because you yourself are a disturbed personality. Let me tell you that trolling is not a joke. By criticizing someone you are putting him or her in a stress. You need to understand that how many people are performing suicide these days just because they are being trolled. For you its just a comment that you typed and forgot but some people are sensitive towards it.

Trolling is a Cyber crime:

For all those who think that they are trolling others by making fake accounts and you can not be tracked let me put this into your knowledge that you leave digital footprints behind you. There is nothing in this internet world that can not be tracked. Once you put something out on the internet it is no more private no matter how much you try putting privacy settings. All the privacy settings have a loop hole and those loop holes are kept on purpose to find guys and cases like you. I am a student of computer sciences and I can surely tell you that each and every security program has a loop hole in it. So you do not consider yourself a big shot by making a fake account and thinking that someone will not be able to find you. Trolling is a crime and to put this into your knowledge that cyber crime teams are working in Pakistan as well and you can be tracked down easily. Not only in Pakistan it is working worldwide so you can not get away with it.

I and all the bloggers out there share our stories and write just to help others by sharing our views. I am not at all liable of reading your negative comments. If you can not write anything good about it you do not need to write anything negative about it because I am writing this only for those who need positivism in their lives. So for all the people out there who are being trolled I request them all not to stay calm and quiet about it because it gives the troller more power and he decides to do the same with others so always rise for your dignity because nobody can tell you to do something and to not do something.


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