This can no happen to me.

The title does not refer to the topic I am going to infer today. Breast cancer is one of the major diseases women are infected of nowadays. According to recent studies out of every 9 women 1 is abducted to the disease. My point of referring to this topic is not the fact that World cancer day has been passed few days ago. I was planning on writing many months ago but could not find the appropriate details to write upon.

I am not going to write about the symptoms every one has listened to the problem many times. Every other girl knows the symptoms. I want to address the biggest problem that is the realization problem.

This can not happen to me:

Life is very uncertain. Nobody ever thinks that anything bad can ever happen to me. All we imagine is good vibes and good times so in spite of visible symptoms people ignore it just because they do not realize that anything bad can ever happen to them also. Cancer is a disease which has a cure and can be cured if treated at the right time. The only thing you need to do is go for a check up and realize the fact that out of those 9 women I can also be the one.

Fear of outcomes:

So many women out there do not go for a medical check up because:
Firstly breasts in our society is still treated as a taboo and nobody wants to talk about it. Especially to a doctor.
Nobody wants their breasts to be examined because we found it inappropriate. The word breasts seems like a curse to everyone.
Women feel embarrassed and guilty at the same time and they start hiding the disease as they find it embarrassing to talk about.
The fear of losing hair and not being said beautiful ever again.
The fear of what if we get examined and find out that we have the disease.

All these fears are a result of societal pressure. You do not need to feel guilty about the disease there is nothing to hide about. You did not willed to happen it to you. Would a diabetic person feel guilty about the disease no he will not than why you. The fear of losing hair and and never be able to look beautiful again is something you need to get educated about. The beauty does not lie in the hair or eyes or skin it lies far deeper in your heart and your soul.

What needs to be done:

There are so much information regarding breast cancer on social media. on the internet. Thousands of breast cancer awareness seminars are being conducted. You need to get yourself educated about it. What else can be done in this regard is:

If you are a woman of age 40 or above and you do not observe a visible symptom. Still make yourself examined by a doctor. Go through the tests. It is as normal as any other blood test or X ray is.
If you are a young girl and feel a symptom do not ignore it as you are just 20 and it can not happen to you. Trust me it can. Get yourself checked.
All the young moms out there. I request you all try to breastfeed your kids as it reduces the risk up to 65 percent.
Try to eat as healthy as you can because anything and anyone can leave you but your body will never leave you until you die. Treat your body well and in return it is going to treat you well.
Stay hydrated as much as you can. Water is a miracle drink it can solve medical problems to an extent you can not even imagine.
Last of all try be as positive as you can , a negative mind releases dangerous toxins in body. There is no such problem in the world that can not be solved. In fact your positive attitude itself is a problem solver. So stay happy live happy. 


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