
Showing posts from March, 2018

Technology brings communication barriers.

By writing this I will not say that I will not use technology because that would be a lie. Nobody can live without technology nowadays because it is completely next to impossible. What we can do is that we should realize that technology can not replace the emotions. Till date technology has failed to help human kind emotionally. People keep themselves so much busy in using technology that they have forgot to communicate with each other which is why there are a lot of communication barriers. Kids using mobile phones and tablets: Nowadays I have seen kids involved in playing games on their tablets and cell phones of their parents. Now I don't know if it is fine to some parents but they should realize that a kid needs to play some outdoor games too. We as kids were so much active in doing extra curricular activities because back than there were no tablets and no cell phones. Now I see small babies wearing spectacles the reason behind is excess use of tablets. I know the fact t

Stop being so judgmental!

Today we are living in a society where we are busy in pinpointing others. We never want to understand the fact that we are nobody to judge others. Today I came across listening to a story my mother was telling. I wanted to share it with as many people as I could. If you would go through the same problem than only you could understand mine This is something we often say to everyone , any body who is trying to make us calm in any sort of trouble he or she hears the same thing from us that if you would we be in my place than only you could understand. I would say stop saying that why would you want anyone to be in the same problem as you are. Coming back to that story my mom told me that there was once a doctor running as fast as he could to reach the operation theater.As soon as he reached there he was encountered by an angry father saying " Why are you so late don't you know my son could have died because of you and you must be out chilling with your family, you doctors tak

What does our parents think of us?

Before writing this let me make this clear that it is only my perspective. I am not imposing my thoughts on you. So if you agree that is good if you do not agree that is also okay. Try and listen to what others want to say. So in that way we can understand each other in a better way. My parents both mom and dad see me complete differently. My dad sees me ten years ahead that I am having a damn fun in life and my life is too happening in our language it is like MAZA KAR RAHI HAI YEH TO LIFE ME.(She is enjoying her life completely). As far as mom is concerned she sees me ten years back like in our language AJ BHI BAAL BRUSH NI KIYE NA TUM NE APNE, NIGHT SUIT ME PHIR RAHI HO GI, NAHA LO BETA.(Today also you have not brushed your hair, you must be wandering in night suit, take a shower). I never understand that why do they think that we can not handle things on our own. Some of the things I am sick of hearing are. TUM NE BACHELORS KAR K KONSA TEER MAAR LIYA HAI JO AB MASTERS KRNA HAI(Wh

In response to your comments!

Last time I did this response I got a massive feedback that I have not mentioned their comments but the thing is that this is not a Q and A video. It is almost next to impossible to react to all of your comments. Your feedback is highly appreciable and most of the times I reply to you whether you inbox me or whether you tweet me. To all those who have sent so much love in their comments I would like to say thanks a lot but here i will most probably be replying some interesting questions and hate comments. Secondly do inbox me if you people want to see different responses for love and hate comments. If you want me do that comment down or inbox me whatever is convenient as you need to have a google account in order to comment down below otherwise i would not be able to see your comments. Lets dive into some most interesting comments. Comment#1 I do not see any potential in you. You are just doing it to earn money and wasting our precious time. Well hello who asked you to read my

Every Girl has heard these lines from boys!

 So actually when we were young love used to happen like in matric. So for the viewers who are not from Pakistan they must be thinking that was is matric?. It is actually tenth standard. So when I was young attractions used to be happened around the time when you are about to end school. Nowadays I even see children saying that I am in love but then when I was young it usually happened around the time of matric. So all the girls back then thought that the boy had love at first sight on her. But actually when you are in school you are particularly in that age when most of the girls either get so pretty or either most ugly. So it is the worst in any case. So i need to tell all the girls out there that no they did not have love at first sight. Boys attacks girls as cheetah attacks on the group of deer. He always see who can be grabbed most easily he goes with that option. Same is the case with boys. So back then every girl thinks he had a love at first sight but no actually he is a cheet

They say everything is fair in love and war.

People say that an intelligent man once said that everything is fair in love and war.I would say the most foolish and ridiculous person said that. How can someone say such a foolish thing. No nothing is fair in love and war. Everything you do has some limits to it. Living in a society you got to follow those limits and when you cross those limits you actually create a chaos and your lethal acts can not be satisfied by saying that oh yeah! Everything is fair in love and war. Acid Attacks: If you say that everything is fair in love than why do you actually criticize a person who throws acid on a girl's face just to show that he loved her so much and if she does not belong to her she does not belong to anyone else. If everything was fair than people doing this shit should be appreciated. We need to realize the intensity of this particular line "Every thing is fair". No not everything is fair, not at all. Love does not allow you do every damn thing you wanna do. It also c