In response to your comments!

Last time I did this response I got a massive feedback that I have not mentioned their comments but the thing is that this is not a Q and A video. It is almost next to impossible to react to all of your comments. Your feedback is highly appreciable and most of the times I reply to you whether you inbox me or whether you tweet me. To all those who have sent so much love in their comments I would like to say thanks a lot but here i will most probably be replying some interesting questions and hate comments. Secondly do inbox me if you people want to see different responses for love and hate comments. If you want me do that comment down or inbox me whatever is convenient as you need to have a google account in order to comment down below otherwise i would not be able to see your comments. Lets dive into some most interesting comments.

Comment#1 I do not see any potential in you. You are just doing it to earn money and wasting our precious time.

Well hello who asked you to read my non potential stuff. If your time is so precious what are you doing here posting such a rubbish. You know what I do not see any potential in you and thanks for reading my stuff and increasing the audience keep hating please because it increases my audience.I love your hate comments.

Comment#2 Are you married? If yes tell us about your marriage and kids routine.

Hahahhahaaaaaa I am not married guys not even engaged. Whenever that is going to happen i will surely share with you people, I will write my experience with kids also as soon as ill have them. So as far as marriage routine is concerned ill try to update about that too but for that let me get married first.

Comment#3 Has somebody crossed his limits in being love with you?? # They say everything is fair in love and war

No yaar completely no. I have mentioned it before that I am not writing my personal experiences over here. If i will write something that is personally related to me i will mention that but till date i have not written any such thing. Secondly I always seek my surroundings to get a topic to write upon. Many topics are even suggested by some of the readers.

Comment#4 You got to settle some routine for writing as you write quite on and off and I miss your blogs because you not always write on the same days.

Umm from this comment I have realized that I actually have to do this routine thing because not only you but a lot more people are asking about the same thing. So i have decided to write twice or may be thrice a week. So it will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays hopefully. But if i could not bare with me please. As I have got so many chores to do. But yes i will try definitely.

Comment#5 Where do you see yourself in next five years. Do you plan for writing in next five years?

I do not know as I have learnt from life that you should not plan much. Years back I never thought of starting blogging. Next five years i really can not say anything about it depends what life brings to me and it totally depends that if blogging continues keeping me feel thrilled about it you never know that i may continue writing but again it totally depends upon circumstances. I prefer going with flow of the life.

Comment#6 You have not updated your profile completely. There is no picture of yours.

My profile is completely updated about the stuff i want you to know about me. As far as picture of mine is concerned I  do not think that there is a need of it. My blogs need nothing to do with the my picture on the profile. Hope I have answered your question.

Comment#7 Have you done your majors in English Literature if yes who made you fall in love with English LIT.

Nope I have not done my majors in English Literature. I am a computer scientist. I have done my major in computer sciences similar to software engineering. Yeah but I was always fond of reading and Thomas Hardy made me fall in love with English Literature. Mayor of Caster bridge was the first novel i read by Thomas. The love for literature was further  provoked by Jonathan Swift when I read Gulliver Travels. I am a book worm. I love reading this is the reason you find a bit LIT touch.  

Comment#8 Which is your favorite song of Taylor swift as your profile shows your love for her?

I am a big fan of her. I fell in love with her songs after listening to love story followed by blank space,I don't wanna live for ever,White horse I love all of her songs.

Comment#9 You write about really sensitive issues. Do you feel scared sometimes.#They say everything is fair in love and war.

I don't know why do you find it sensitive. I mean the whole damn world is talking about wars. I have not done anything extra and fancy. I think a little voice when raised in proper direction can bring a change. All you need to do is that if something is wrong consider it as wrong.

Comment#10 Girl Child is not considered a taboo anymore. You have wring statistics.#The Nurturer.

You know what this is the one comment I was highly affected by. This was from someone from western side of the world. So sir I am glad that from the region you belong from, girl child is not a taboo you should feel proud about it but from where I belong she is a taboo. I will not get into the statistics you know why because they are depressing. Everyone of us know the problem we have heard about it. You know what I am glad because by raising our voices a change has occurred in our country. Baby girls are now dropped to orphanages and you know what they are the lucky ones as they have not ended up into being in dustbins. I am glad that now they will have a future. Somewhere a beautiful family will be waiting for them and they will get adopted with a brighter future. I am glad i wrote that article and i raised my voice and i played a part to stop people from throwing their babies into bins. You should also try to change a single thought about girl child because in that way you will take your step towards bringing the change everyone talks about but never takes a step towards it.

So this is it guys. I will come up with responsive blogs on every Saturday. So that i could answer most of the questions. To those to whom i have not responded please do not be offended as it is a really difficult task to go through all the comments and reacting to all. Thank you all for commenting. Keep commenting and haters keep hating.


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