Stop being so judgmental!

Today we are living in a society where we are busy in pinpointing others. We never want to understand the fact that we are nobody to judge others. Today I came across listening to a story my mother was telling. I wanted to share it with as many people as I could.

If you would go through the same problem than only you could understand mine

This is something we often say to everyone , any body who is trying to make us calm in any sort of trouble he or she hears the same thing from us that if you would we be in my place than only you could understand. I would say stop saying that why would you want anyone to be in the same problem as you are. Coming back to that story my mom told me that there was once a doctor running as fast as he could to reach the operation theater.As soon as he reached there he was encountered by an angry father saying "Why are you so late don't you know my son could have died because of you and you must be out chilling with your family, you doctors take an oath to serve humanity you need to remember that, what if your son was in the same position as my son is in". Doctor stayed calm and replied"I am sorry I was a bit stuck it took me some time , Now I am here I assure you I will do the best for your son, You just keep yourself calm."The father again replied angrily"Don't ask me to stay calm, if it would be your son than i would see how could you stay calm". Doctor calmly went to the operation theater after some time he came out with a good news telling the father that his son was out of danger now and that he could ask any questions to the nurse about his son and than he ran towards the parking again. As soon as the nurse came out the angry father asked "What is wrong with this doctor could not he stay for some time so that I could ask him about my son". Nurse replied with a heavy heart that "Doctor's son passed away a day before yesterday when we called him for your son he was in between the funeral activities of his son". Leaving the father embarrassed. Sometimes whatever perception we are taking of people is extremely wrong. You do not know truth about anyone so stop judging and stop telling others if you were in same problem because you don,t know if he is an deeper shit than you are.

She/He must be eating a lot see how fat she/he is

This is something we say frequently to people we find are not fit enough according to our senses. How do you know if he/she eats a lot or is it a genetic trait they are carrying so they are fat. How do you know its some kind of a disease which is making them grow fat. Do you know the boy or the girl you are calling fat starves himself or herself to get in shape. If you are thin just because its in your family traits than be thankful to that and stop judging others about their physique. Fitness does not mean to be skinny. Fitness is a healthy life style and you are a nobody to judge how much she/he eats.You need to concentrate on yourself because no one knows if he is thin and according to him he is in shape but may be he is not healthy and is suffering from a disease which is not letting him gain some weight. So stop judging others if you want not to be judged.

He fails the subject he does not study/ He is not performing in his job he is worthless

Now if someone fails a subject it could also be possible that he is trying but not getting it at all. May be he is going through some sort of crisis you have no clue about. If he is not performing well in his job you can't tell that he has no abilities, he had abilities that is why he cleared the interview. You just need to put a knot on your tongue.

Being Muslims we have a liability that we are not suppose to perform back biting. Nowadays people say we are not back biting she/he has these flaws but let me clear that back biting is something you say about somebody else about a habit he or she possess. If you say something about someone he or she does not possess than it is not back biting it is an imputation (Tohmat). It is a great sin and I do not think only Muslims should follow this even it is rule for whole mankind. So stop judging others, stop spreading hate or else you will be a victim of it soon.


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