They say everything is fair in love and war.

People say that an intelligent man once said that everything is fair in love and war.I would say the most foolish and ridiculous person said that. How can someone say such a foolish thing. No nothing is fair in love and war. Everything you do has some limits to it. Living in a society you got to follow those limits and when you cross those limits you actually create a chaos and your lethal acts can not be satisfied by saying that oh yeah! Everything is fair in love and war.

Acid Attacks:

If you say that everything is fair in love than why do you actually criticize a person who throws acid on a girl's face just to show that he loved her so much and if she does not belong to her she does not belong to anyone else. If everything was fair than people doing this shit should be appreciated. We need to realize the intensity of this particular line "Every thing is fair". No not everything is fair, not at all. Love does not allow you do every damn thing you wanna do. It also comes with the limits that you got to follow. Because if it is not meant to be it is not. Your throwing acid on her is not going to help you. It is going to make you a criminal just nothing else. It does not only ruins her life. It ruins yours too and it leaves you with a regret you can't live with.

Syrian/Palestine Attacks:

Coming to the next part of this quote that everything is fair in war. Is it really??. If everything was fair than killing of innocent children in Syria was also okay. No it is not fair. It is not fair to kill innocent people living in some territory just because your country and their country are into some war. War has some rules you need to follow them. You can not get away  by saying that everything is fair. Some day you will realize that everything you did was not fair and that day i promise you would be the worst day of your life and you won't be able to do anything about it. It is useless to cry over split milk.

Is beheading soldiers on the border legitimate action??

Beheading soldiers on the borders is not legitimate because hatred always spreads hate. If you will behead their soldiers they are going to do the same with yours. What goes around that comes around. So please stop following this phrase and try to think that you being watched by Allah Almighty all the time. He is watching you all the time. You can not get away from him after spreading so much hate. The hate you spread will some day come back to you.

This phrase is actually written by an author whose name i would not be mentioning. This was written in sixteenth century. Its twenty first century now. We need to grow out of these hate provoking things.Everything is fair in love and war is believed and practiced by those who believe in getting their goals by any means. They do not have any ethics. I would say that they are not even mentally fit. Now i do not know in what perspective the author has written this proverb but the meaning world has taken out of it is really scary. So i request you all stop thinking that each and everything is fair in love and war. I assure you nothing is fair, in the long run you are going to regret about what you did so every time you get all such negative vibes. Sit back and think that the girl you are thinking of throwing acid upon could be your mother, your sister and even your daughter. The baby you are killing in the war could be your child also. The women you tried to rape could be women of your household too. Think and rethink.


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