
Showing posts from July, 2018

Troll is not a joke.

Hello beautiful people out there. I hope all of you are doing good. Today I will be discussing and making it clear that all the negativity people throw at me does not make me feel bad about myself. I will write what I feel is right and I will say what I want to say. If anyone has a problem with it there is a simple solution to that please Buzz off. If you do not like my blogs there is no need to read them. I need to make it clear that I am not at all influenced of your negativity and I am not at all a sort of person who will take your shit silently. I do not believe in just ignoring and blocking I will put you against cyber security as google, blogger and all the other social media platforms have now made it quite an easy task to track you down and complaint about this. Trolling is not a joke: Now for those who think that they have a right to give your so called opinions and that if some one is doing something publicly he or she should be ready for taking negative comments. I must

What it is to be free!

Hello to all the people who are reading this. Some of the events in my life has shown me the value of being free. Having a free will to do anything is a blessing indeed. Life may be difficult for some of us but yet if you can make your own decisions and people are their to support you in those decisions of yours, you are most probably the luckiest person on this planet. Now some people would be thinking well everyone is having a free will nowadays what is she talking about. So let me tell you when I was young I used to pray a lot which is quite unusual for a six or seven years old. What I used to pray for was intelligence and freedom. What Freedom looked like to me: Years before when I thought of freedom. I always had a thought in my mind that one day I would not have to ask for permissions to go anywhere, I could dress the way I want to. I will buy a house right next to a beach. A house with big windows which would allow the sunlight to fall into it. A dream house with all the lux