
Showing posts from February, 2019

This can no happen to me.

The title does not refer to the topic I am going to infer today. Breast cancer is one of the major diseases women are infected of nowadays. According to recent studies out of every 9 women 1 is abducted to the disease. My point of referring to this topic is not the fact that World cancer day has been passed few days ago. I was planning on writing many months ago but could not find the appropriate details to write upon. I am not going to write about the symptoms every one has listened to the problem many times. Every other girl knows the symptoms. I want to address the biggest problem that is the realization problem. This can not happen to me: Life is very uncertain. Nobody ever thinks that anything bad can ever happen to me. All we imagine is good vibes and good times so in spite of visible symptoms people ignore it just because they do not realize that anything bad can ever happen to them also. Cancer is a disease which has a cure and can be cured if treated at the right time. T