
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Power of word No.

I have came across millions of billions of words in my life but I have never seen a word more powerful than NO. It is simply a rejection, a warning, a stop statement, a gesture telling that you do not agree, it is a whole universe in itself.  It is a shield against exploitation and at the same time it is the instrument of integrity. I am of a firm belief that a woman's strength lies in this word. No has two faces: NO usually has two faces the first type of No is the one which we say to ourselves and the other one that create boundaries and limits between ourselves and others. The moment you say NO to yourself you stop yourself from self destruction. No i do not deserve this. This is the moment you realize your worth and tell the other that stay in your limits. You tell them that no you can not do this to me but for this you need to tell yourself that "No". This can not happen to me. The moment of self realization takes place with a single NO. You guys might be th