Committing a Suicide!

As you all can judge through the title today's topic of discussion would be ''Why people are committing suicide ?''. Suicide is an act which is taken under the circumstances of extreme hopelessness. For those who do not know the meaning of this term suicide means taking ones own life. The matter of concern is that why does a person wants to kill him or herself. What urges a man to take his life. As we all know life is so precious to almost everybody than what leads people to take their own life.

There is nobody to talk to:

I came across so many people who are depressed because they do not have anyone to talk to. Sometimes you are surrounded by so many people. It can be family , friends or colleagues still you do not feel like talking to anyone. There are certain issues which you are afraid of discussing with anyone because you know that you will be embarrassed about that in front of the people you know. As a result of which you start making yourself depressed leading to a  situation in which you get so stressed that you find it easy to kill yourself in order to end your misery. 
I would say take a deep breath there is no such problem in the world that can be solved through communication. All you need to do is talk to somebody. By somebody I mean any damn stranger, just go to him and tell him that you need help, you need to talk and I assure you that you would be helped. Just go to any random coffee shop or any mall where you can find people in access and just open up. You just need someone who can listen to you. You can either consult a psychiatrist for this problem. Listen you may be thinking I am mad or what but seriously guys you do not need to be a mental patient to see a doctor. You need to see a doctor because you are leading through a depression and you can be helped with it. There are so many people I feel that if they could have told about their miseries to anyone they could have survived because sometimes just listening to the fact that hey everything is gonna be fine is good enough. So just talk about it. Talk to me if you want to may be I can help, may be anyone can help because giving up on your life is the most stupid thing you can ever do.

Life is so difficult and complicated:

I hear people saying that life is too shitty. We do not want to live in a life of so much problems but hello who told you that life would be easy. Nobody promised you about that and whenever this thought comes in to your mind just look upon to people who are dying in hospitals, girls who were raped, forced to married, kids thrown in to dustbins, orphanages ending up with no future at all, children begging for food on roads, people dying in refugee camps and much more. Believe me your life and its problems would vanish away if just for once you would look upon to such people. Yet you will see them smiling with a lot of hope ready to kick the ass of the life. Life will always be complicated in one way or the other all you need to do is have faith in Allah Almighty. He has the right plan for you. Just be patient. Remember if good days have not longed bad days would not last long either.

Losing Hope:

Losing hope is one of the major reasons of giving up. Just remember if your mother had lost hope before giving birth after facing a hell of pain you would not be here. Have faith in Allah and remember that he loves you and if your prayers are not being answered there is something beneficial for you about it. May be whatever you are asking for is not good in your favor. Remember one thing everything happens with a reason. Allah has a master plan for you. Do not ruin that plan by giving your life. For once just stop thinking about what you do not have and start thinking about what do you have. I swear life will be better.

Today by writing this somebody of you will not be agreed because people always say that if you would be in my place. Believe me life has never been easy for me. I had come to the points where even I thought that giving up and dying is so much easy. But than I am thankful to my Allah He took me out of those bad days to good days. Still today if I am depressed I immediately turn towards the blessings I have and I look down to the people who are working in my house for only a salary of rupees five thousands per month eating the left over, dressing up with our left overs. Just think for a moment that Allah could also put us on their place we could not do anything about it but He did not so be thankful and grateful for what you have because a life in which you consider yourself unhappy is a dream for someone else. Share and spread the word may be someone is in a great need of reading this.


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