Technology brings communication barriers.

By writing this I will not say that I will not use technology because that would be a lie. Nobody can live without technology nowadays because it is completely next to impossible. What we can do is that we should realize that technology can not replace the emotions. Till date technology has failed to help human kind emotionally. People keep themselves so much busy in using technology that they have forgot to communicate with each other which is why there are a lot of communication barriers.

Kids using mobile phones and tablets:

Nowadays I have seen kids involved in playing games on their tablets and cell phones of their parents. Now I don't know if it is fine to some parents but they should realize that a kid needs to play some outdoor games too. We as kids were so much active in doing extra curricular activities because back than there were no tablets and no cell phones. Now I see small babies wearing spectacles the reason behind is excess use of tablets. I know the fact that nowadays kids demand for this kind of stuff because they feel an inferiority complex if they do not possess the same tablets their friends and cousins have. I am not asking to invade them from using these but there should be a limit to it. A kid should know that he is allowed to play the game only for an hour or half. Putting your kids in limits is not a bad thing it is going to help your child in future. Back then moms used to talk to their kids about how was school. What is going on in their kids life but now parents as well as kids every one is busy using technology leading to communication barriers.

Kids watching adult content:

Now I completely understand the need of buying a tablet to your kid so that he does not get insecure from others in the society but what is the need of accessing WiFi to their devices. Kids now are downloading any app they want to. They are watching any content they want without this being in the knowledge of their parents. Now this is something I completely don't understand. All the things that you needed to tell your kid at the right time he is getting all that knowledge from other means. You don't know what effect it is going to bring on his baby mind. He is too afraid to talk to you about that and you didn't paid attention to what he was doing on his tablet as a conclusion we are now seeing small kids having anxieties, depressions and much more. 

Couples have stop talking to each other:

Now this is something I have seen in my home also. Both my parents used to go to bed and both kept on using their gadgets the whole night as a result of that they did not communicate at all. Every morning they used to argue on the fact that you have not told me that , you did not mentioned and I was like hello! how would you tell or mention you guys barely talk. Now as a routine both of them keep their mobiles off in night and keep their tablets away from bed. I assure you that I have seen a positive change. I would not say no arguments at all you know after all a pakistani couple but still lesser arguments now. 

There is much more I can relate to but I don't want to stretch it. The thing is everything should be used being in limits as everything has its pros and cons but when something starts invading your life as a whole that is the time you must take a pause and think that if things are going in the right path or not. If not than that is the time when something needs to be changed, a little change in the life style can bring a lot more positive vibes to you. So I don't say stop using technology but try to use it as less as you can when being with your wife or kids. Allow your kids to grow up as you did by playing outdoor because active kid is a healthy kid. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Again i will say communication can never be replaced by any other means. A strong communication means a stronger relationship.



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